Three hispanic kitchen workers posing for camera

Financial Security for Your Employees

Hispanic Wealth provides culturally-inclusive financial education to businesses and individuals

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Employee Engagement

In preparing for retirement, culture should be leveraged. The triggers and obstacles to retirement savings are different for Hispanics, Whites, and African-Americans. Culture helps and hurts. Learn to change their mindset, leverage their culture and prosper financially.

Financial Literacy

A one-size-fits-all financial education does not work in the real world. Changing a financial behavior is a challenge particular to a single person at a particular moment in time. Learn the financial skills that can improve your relations with money.

Retirement Planning

The average person is now responsible to figure out how much to save, where to invest it, consider risk, and make it last through a very long retirement lifespan. This is too much to ask from the average person. Plan for a retirement that makes sense for you.

Welcome to Hispanic Wealth

The retirement models of the past will hardly work in the future.

Increased longevity, demographic growth and technology are all impacting the job market. New work models are based on just-in-time supply and demand of labor, hence the rise of the gig economy. Our jobs are being disrupted, and equally important, the labor arrangements that go along with them.

In this context we need to think differently about retirement. It is likely that you are going to live to be 100. Social Security will push retirement age to 70, so the first 20 -25 years will be preparing for independent life, working the next 40-50, and then resting for the next 30-40. This does not seem a balanced outline to us.

In the 40 to 50 years working life, sabbaticals, shorter workweeks, breaks in service and retraining will be likely. Even carrier changes and volunteering. Variable income will be more prevalent than salary and it will be our responsibility to manage the flexible nature of work to the steady demands of our financial needs.

30 to 40 years in retirement is a lot! We’ll need to change its outlook! A life of purpose, social connections, health and exercise will play a role. So will learning to balance our lifestyle to our future income, which depends on promises from the government, employers, and ourselves.

We’ll help you focus in what you can control and take ownership of your life, health, career and future, commit to live within your means, constantly increase your human capital, and prepare to retire with dignity.

Our Mission

Empower people to take control of their finances by providing them with the education, motivation, attitudes, and confidence that helps them achieve financial prosperity.

Our Vision

Hispanic Wealth is the trusted advisor in the Hispanic community that accompanies individuals of all economic levels in their path to achieve financial prosperity.

Our Approach

We empower our stakeholders to take control of their finances by providing them with the education, motivation, attitudes, and confidence that helps them achieve financial prosperity. We recognize that every person is at a different moment in their financial journey, their needs are unique, yet age cohorts follow certain spending patterns. We help our clients understand where they are and provide each individual with a sequence of learning outcomes that makes sense for them.

Our People

We are a diverse, highly skilled, like-minded team that came together under a common goal; intervene and fundamentally break the mental vicious cycle of workers at the base of the pyramid, where Latinos and African-Americans are over-represented, in their relationship with retirement. Each one of us contributes something different; benefits experience, investment expertise, insurance or actuarial knowledge, and we are all focused on making education simple and reachable for the common folk. We have decades working with retirement models created in the United States and have applied and adapted them to other cultures. We are sensitive to the importance that culture plays in building long-term wealth.

Our Services

Our services are tailored to meet your needs. A diverse workforce poses the challenge of creating one message or creating one objective and adapting the message to different groups. We believe financial literacy and retirement readiness are possible for everyone as long as we are able to communicate with them.

Our Clients

Our business clients want to engage and educate their workforce by providing financial education that resonates with them. Our individual clients are looking for a life of financial prosperity, even if they are late in the game. Our clients learn how finances work in the United States, then align a strategy that respects their values to reach retirement with resources while enjoying the process.

Our Story

In order to research the discrepancies in wealth among races and the low participation of Hispanics in retirement programs and do something about it, we founded Hispanic Wealth in 2012. The problems we found were not exclusive of the Latino community, but they are present in lower-income earners of all ethnicities.

We came together as a team and founded Hispanic Wealth to emphasize the need for shorter time horizons to help visualize retirement in these groups.

Our Beliefs

  • You are likely to live a very long life…
  • Retirement is either too far away or just too long…
  • Your career will include periods of employment, self-employment, retraining, and time-in-between…
  • Your job is threatened by either a person, a robot, automation, or artificial intelligence…
  • Financial markets are complex and not in your control…
  • And yet… you are accountable. Nobody cares about your retirement more than you do.

The why…

Our journey starts with a wake up call on racial equity.

In a report published in 2011, the Pew Research Center got our attention with a report studying the wealth gaps between Whites, Blacks and Hispanics. Twenty-to-One it was called.

Worth noting is not only the big discrepancies in overall wealth of both Hispanics and Blacks when compared to Whites (5.6%  and 5.0% respectively) but the impact the financial crisis had on their wealth. A loss of 66% and 53% for Hispanics and Blacks, while -16% for Whites.

Reasons can be traced not only to lack of financial education, but also to the fact that Blacks and Hispanics are targeted by abusive lenders and predatory practices.

And then racial inequity is projected into the future...

The Urban Institute warns us as part of their FEATURES reports  Nine Charts about the Future of Retirement (July 23, 2019) of the continuation of this trend.

There will be not much to do then. No philanthropy will be enough to solve the massive scale of the problem then, but a little now, can alleviate the problem.

We don’t want to give them fish but teach them how to fish. And that is providing education.

Median Net Worth of Households, 2005 and 2009. Whites in 2009 made $113,149 while hispanics made $6,325 and blacks made $5,677

Our Approach to Financial Literacy

We provide culturally-inclusive educational tools, consisting of videos, Q/A, games and feedback, with aims to increase the financial literacy of our clients. These videos are an example of how we communicate. The examples leverage the cultural background of our target audience.

Characteristics of the education we provide…

  • Visual and easy to understand
  • Very well researched
  • Free of conflicts of interest
  • Adapted to culture
  • Treats the person with respect

A series of videos, all in Spanish with English subtitles, aimed to explain key concepts of the U.S. financial system to new Hispanic immigrants, with tutorials on how compound interest works, how to buy a car and obtain credit, among other topics. Judges praised the materials for their originality and use of relevant examples for the target audience.

Our Surveys

Demographic trends, although loaded with consequences, rarely demand urgency in addressing their impact. We believe there is time to solve them, but maybe this belief is unwarranted. We started the survey in order to begin forming an opinion regarding the important questions of where would immigrants retire? and would they have enough money to do so? The surveys cover the following segments: Intention to return, Social Security, employer benefits, personal savings and family support.

We believe about 4.6 million Mexican immigrants to the U.S. will return to Mexico to retire.

If you want to read only a few highlights of the survey you can download the summary (in Spanish) for free or take a deep dive into the content by downloading the full 2019 version for $19.99. By downloading the full version, you are contributing funding this effort.

2019 Survey

Third edition presents the evolution in the way of acting, thinking and feeling of the immigrant population about retirement. Proposes actionable ideas to non-profits and government institutions on how to help.

2016 Survey

Second survey collects additional information on savings mechanisms and first comparison of data between the two surveys.

2013 Survey

First survey covering the Retirement Expectations of Mexican Immigrants. Findings uncover false expectations on Social Security benefits, absence of retirement benefits and minimal personal savings.

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2019 Survey


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2016 Survey


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2013 Survey


We’d Love to Hear From You

5815 Windward Pkwy
Suite 302
Alpharetta, GA 30005